SME or Corporate Membership Application MEMBERSHIP CATEGORY SME member Corporate member CORPORATE OR SME DETAILS Company name Company address Email Telephone Company website Nature of business Number of employees in Macau <10 10 to 24 25 to 50 50 to 100 100 to 250 >250 Macau Office Headquarters Regional Office Representative Office NOMINATED REPRESENTATIVES SME member (Includes 2 representatives) Representative 1 Name Title Representative 2 Name Title Corporate member (Includes 5 representatives) Representative 1 Name Title Representative 2 Name Title Representative 3 Name Title Representative 4 Name Title Representative 5 Name Title Payment method Bank deposit (see the "Info" page of this website for bank account details) Cheque (make cheque payable to "Australian Chamber of Commerce in Macau") Cash Declaration By submitting this form, I declare that this information is true and correct and understand that the personal data collected hereunder shall be processed by AustCham Macau, a nonprofit legal organization, for the purpose of collection of membership fees and contact with members. I acknowledge that access to and rectification of the data may be exercised through application to AustCham Macau. Personal Data election I do wish AustCham Macau to use my personal data in direct marketing I do not wish AustCham Macau to use my personal data in direct marketing Submit application Download Membership Application Form If you prefer to complete a PDF version of the membership application form rather than submitting the web form above, please click here to download the PDF membership application form, complete and send to our Secretary at [email protected].