The Chairman and Vice Chairman of AustCham Macau (or occasionally other Board members) regularly engage with the community of Macau by attending various meetings with key Government Departments, Associations, Concessionaires and other community and/or business stakeholders. This page documents some of these community outreach and engagement activities.
22 December 2023
AustCham Macau
Stephen Berry, Director
AustCham Macau
Eddie McDougall, Board of Directors Member
Sponsors of the Event:
Flying Winemaker
Roadhouse Macau
Grand Hyatt Macau
Galaxy Entertainment Group
Sands China
Watson’s Wine
Macao News

9 March 2023
United Nations University Research Institute in Macau
Jingbo Huang, Director
Palliative Care Specialist
Joanna Tam
M Restaurants Group
Michelle Garnaut, Owner
AustCham Macau
Janet McNab, Chair of the Board of Directors
Australian Consulate General
Elizabeth Ward
British Consulate General
Sara Robinson

23 October 2020
Macau Economic Bureau
Ms Tai Kin Ip, Director
Ms Christy Mai, Head of Economic Cooperation Division
AustCham Macau
Mr Patrick Liu, Chairman
Mr Andrew W Scott, Vice Chairman

18 September 2020
Centre for Macau Studies, University of Macau
Ms Agnes Lam Iok Fong, Director
Ms Sharon Lao Un Loi, Senior Administrative Officer
AustCham Macau
Mr Patrick Liu, Chairman
Mr Andrew W Scott, Vice Chairman
Ms Sharon Warren, Secretary

31 July 2020
Macau Trade and Investment Promotion Institue (IPIM)
Mr Benson Lau, President
Mr Sam Lei, Executive Director
Ms Elaine Lam, Senior Manager of Promotional Activities and Development of Conventions and Exhibitions Department
AustCham Macau
Mr Patrick Liu, Chairman
Mr Andrew W Scott, Vice Chairman
Representatives from AustCham Macau met with newly appointed President, Mr Benson Lau Wai Meng, and other representatives of the Macau Trade and Investment Promotion Institue (IPIM), to discuss avenues for cooperation between AustCham Macau and IPIM in promoting investment and trade between Macau and Australia.

9 March 2019
19th anniversary of Macau University of Science and Technology
Faculty Dinner Reception
Senator Emanuel Jones, US Georgia State Senator
Dr Billy C Chan, Director, Center of Excellence for Medical Professional Development, Faculty of Health Sciences, Macau University of Science and Technology
Numerous other VIPs and dignatories
AustCham Macau
Mr Patrick Liu, Chairman
Mr Andrew W Scott, Vice Chairman
4 March 2019
Macau Trade and Investment Promotion Institue (IPIM)
Mr Sam Lei, Executive Director
Mr Joe Chan, Acting Senior Manager, Investor Service Department
Ms Susanni Aryanto, Senior Manager, Public Relations and External Co-operation Department
AustCham Macau
Mr Patrick Liu, Chairman
Mr Andrew W Scott, Vice Chairman

22 February 2019
Australian Consulate General Hong Kong
Mr Ken Gordon, Deputy Consul-General
Mr Sam Guthrie, Senior Trade Commissioner, Deputy Consul-General (Commercial)
Ms Marisa Howarth, Consul (Consular & Management)
Mr Gavin McDougall, Director, Public Affairs
AustCham Macau
Mr Patrick Liu, Chairman
Mr Andrew W Scott, Vice Chairman
Representatives from AustCham Macau met with representatives of the Australian Consulate General Hong Kong, which also has responsibility for Macau, to thank them for their attendance at the launch event of AustCham Macau on 26 January 2019 and to discuss a range of proposed cooperation initiatives for the future.
19 February 2019
Macau Government Tourism Office (MGTO)
Ms Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes, Director
Ms Betty Fok, Head of Destination Marketing Department
AustCham Macau
Mr Patrick Liu, Chairman
Mr Andrew W Scott, Vice Chairman